aims and methods
This is a workshop of five plus two days for those who have attended a basic Six Category Intervention Analysis workshop and have some experience of running groups. The purpose of the workshop is to introduce four basics of interpersonal skills training, i.e. discrimination, modelling, practice, feedback. Also included will be:
*training the trainers' simulations in presenting and managing Six Category exercises;
*group dynamic issues as they affect the use of the Six Category method;
*dimensions of facilitator style in relation to Six Category training;
*use of Six Category in relation to both structured and unstructured group activities;
*relevance of Six Category applications to different professional roles.
Participants should emerge from the workshop able to run with confidence a basic Six Category course for a wide range of practitioner/client situations. Where requested and approved, participants may assist on one of the programmed courses, though priority will always be given to participants of the Facilitator Styles course.
There will be a two-day follow up as part of this workshop for participants to review their experience as Six Category trainers during the intervening two months, to share and consolidate learning, to review and practise critical incidents and examine more advanced issues in Six Category workshop management, i.e., the relation between interpersonal skills training, deep regression work, active imagination and the transpersonal.
The "training the trainers" workshop is for those who have:
*attended a basic Six Category Intervention Analysis training, and
*have systematically applied it in their work, and
*wish to teach the model.
Participants might usefully combine it in with an Advanced Six Category course (if not already completed), a Dimensions of Facilitator Style workshop and a combination of others such as Experiential Learning, depending upon existing skill and experience. Attendance at a suitable combination of courses leads to a Departmental Certificate so attesting.
Certificate for Six Category Intervention Analysis Trainers
Six Category Intervention Analysis
Fundamentals of Co-Counselling (for those with little formal personal development experience)
Six Category Intervention Analysis: Advanced
Dimensions of Facilitator Style
Six Category Intervention Analysis: Training the Trainers