HPRP Publications


These publications were the output of the HPRP and published and sold by the HPRP (many are archived in the British Library with ISBNs). The most significant were original contributions to theory and practice by John Heron. Some of these were used as course manuals and given to participants. Some were reports on courses which were run by or evaluated by John and other staff members. Others were reflections based on workshops or notes for more traditional teacher training courses with a small experiential element.

John Heron

Sadly I must report the death of our patron and founder John Heron in Bristol. We owe him a great debt for his contribution to the science and art of facilitation, his personal modelling of the highest standards of skill. Most of the publications listed below are now published on the john heron archive web page which now carries them. Peter Reason has written a fine eulogy celebrating his style and contributions to the world. John wrote about his work in Humanistic Psychology in 2012 in Self and Society. I have written my own account at John Heron. The AHPb published a Symposium celebrating John Heron's life, including Reason's euogy as well as Richard House's reminiscences, an article by John on "The Politics of Transference", Richard's review of John's contribution to "New Paradigm Research" and some short accolades from Catherine Llewellyn and others.


The phenomenology of social encounter: The gaze John Heron. Published in Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 1970, 243-264. Also Publ. HPRP 1970

Experience and Method: an Enquiry into the Concept of Experiential Research. John Heron. HPRP 1971

Re-evaluation Counselling : A Theoretical Review. John Heron. HPRP 1973

A definition of Co-counselling International John Heron 1974, revised 1996

The Concept of a Peer Learning Community. John Heron. HPRP 1974

Life-Style Analysis: The Sexual Domain. John Heron. HPRP 1974

Criteria for evaluating growth-movements John Heron. Published by Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1975

Catharsis in Human Development John Heron, HPRP 1977 revised 1998

Research on group work: An extract from Heron, J., Dimensions of Facilitator Style, Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1977

Holistic medicine John Heron. Originally published with the title Humanistic Medicine by the British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with the Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, February 1978

Long Term Project for a Self-generating Culture. John Heron. HPRP, University of Surrey, 1978

Assessment. John Heron HPRP, University of Surrey, 1981

Experiential Research: - a new paradigm. John Heron. HPRP 1981

Paradigm Papers. John Heron. HPRP 1981

A marriage of paradigms: autonomy - heteronomy; Mind – mind From Heron, J., Paradigm Papers, published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, December 1981

A paradigm of well-being From Heron, J., Paradigm Papers, published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, December 1981; and reprinted in British Journal of Holistic Medicine, Vol 1 No 2, 1984

Choice: a paradigm of personal power From Heron, J., Paradigm Papers, published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, December 1981

Education of the affect A paper on emotional education. Published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1982. A pdf file

Empirical Validity in Experiential Research. HPRP 1982

research reports

Co-counselling: An Experiential Inquiry HPRP 1981. A PDF file

Co-counselling: An Experiential Inquiry (2) HPRP 1982. A PDF file

Cooperative Inquiry into Altered States of Consciousness, John Heron. HPRP 1984

Whole person medicine: a co-operative inquiry. John Heron. Published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1985. A pdf file


Experiential Training Techniques. HPRP 1973

Co-counselling John Heron, 1998, the basic manual, replaces the original "Reciprocal Counselling" publ HPRP 1974, revised 1979 with the title "Co-counselling"

Six Category Intervention Analysis. John Heron. HPRP 1975 This book has gone through extensions and many editions, currently as “Helping the Client: A Creative Practical Guide” which is in its fifth Edition, Sage Publications Ltd (2001)

Practical Methods in Transpersonal Psychology. John Heron. HPRP 1975

Dimensions of Facilitator Style. John Heron. HPRP 1977 Updated as “The Facilitators’ Handbook”. John Heron. Kogan Page. 1989

Behaviour Analysis in Education and Training. John Heron. HPRP 1977. Parts of this were incorporated into later editions of 6CIA and "Helping the Client".

CoCounselling Teachers Manual John Heron HPRP 1977: latest edition available on-line

Intensive Counselling John Heron. 1978, revised 1998.

John Heron'sCC Teacher Trainers' Manual was created later and available online

James Kilty

Design For Learning: A Report on Teaching Methods in Vocational Continuing Education. James Kilty HPRP 1978

Self and Peer Assessment. James Kilty HPRP 1979 (1) below.

Self and Peer Assessment and Peer Review Audit. James Kilty HPRP 1979 (2) below.

Self and Peer Appraisal. James Kilty HPRP 1979 (3) below.

Self and Peer Assessment, a collection of 3 papers, James Kilty 1979-1982 (1) 'Self and Peer Assessment' Given at the University of Lancaster 4th International Conference on Higher Education 29 August – 1 September 1978 (2) Given at the Annual Conference of the Society for Research in Higher Education Brighton 19-20 December 1979 (3) Presented to the First World Congress in Management Development 1982

Experiential Learning (slanted towards Nurse Education). James Kilty HPRP 1982

Staff Development for Nurse Education: Practitioners Supporting Students James Kilty 1982/1985 Report on a 5-day workshop for charge nurses at Brookwood Hospital.

Leadership in Groups: Six Dimensions of Style. James Kilty GAAFTAD NSW Nov 1983

How am I doing?—shared Self-Assessment. Youth in Society, Jan, 1982

James Kilty and David Boud

Self-appraisal for University Teachers: A Guide for workshop leaders Occasional Publication 19 Tertiary Education Centre, University of New South Wales, Kensington NSW 1981

James Kilty and Meg Bond

Practical Methods of Dealing With Stress. HPRP 1982 A later edition is available from the IHE.

James Kilty and others

Preparing Today's Midwife Instructor and Educator, Anne Bent, Frank Potter, Barbara Balch and James Kilty, Midwives Chronicle, 89, May, July, September and November, 1975. 4 articles.

Community Staff Training Project, Report to the S.W. Thames Regional Health Authority, Noelle Garner and James Kilty 1975

The Continuing Education of Health Education Officers, James Kilty and Jane Randall 1980

In-Service Course for Clergy: A report on a one year part-time course for clergy in mid-career, James Kilty and Frank Telfer 1982

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