Six Category Intervention Analysis basic training

aims of the basic workshop

This description is adapted from the 1987-88 workshop programme which had seen another expansion to 112 workshops of all kinds, of which 9 were basic 6CIA, 2 were advanced and one was training the trainers.

The general aims of the basic workshop are to enable participants to:

* discriminate between various interventions through using a common labelling system

* identify inadequate or restrictive forms of intervention and adopt more effective ones

* apply the model and skills learned to their professional or personal practice.


The workshop will provide a chance to examine ways of supervising which tend to be authoritarian, so causing resentment (leading to unsatisfactory performance and working relationships); or laissez-faire, so causing confusion and poor co-ordination; or overprotective, so diminishing initiative and fostering dependence. The focus will be on the specific needs of course members. These may include: confrontation and the problem of attack-defence; assertion and the problems of aggression, manipulation and submission; expression of positive and negative feeling; conflict resolution and the problem of handling anger, finding a balance between sharing expertise and drawing out others' capabilities; interpersonal risk-taking and the problem of anxiety; giving praise and the problem of patronising counselling; dealing with emotional distress.


* theoretical input on all matters in a series of brief outlines

* short exercises in pairs to develop participants' discrimination between categories and sorts of intervention

* experiential testing of the model through structured exercises using practice, feedback and review (often in pairs or trios)

* discussion of issues arising

* application of the model to problems and critical incidents from members' experience, using role play and simulation (re-enactment) followed by the customary debrief and review

* self and peer assessment using the model as a basis.

Other methods may also be used where appropriate e.g. demonstration, training videos, closed circuit T.V., etc.

The workshop will also include self assessment activities to enable members to establish a profile of their skills and preferred style of self presentation, together with a series of training activities to build up skills according to the needs expressed by participants.

A copy of “Six Category Intervention Analysis” will be provided at the workshop.


At the end of the workshop, members will be expected to be:

* more aware of their own communication and that of others;

* able to choose more effectively what they communicate and why they do it;

* more flexible and intuitive in their behaviour and in their manner and style of interaction

* reflect on, conduct and plan meetings with the 6CIA model as a guide.

length of course

The three-day workshop will provide some opportunity to focus on and develop skills selected by participants as relevant to their needs.

The five-day workshop will provide a more substantial opportunity to do this and to deal with situations which present some difficulty to individual participants. Thus there will be a much greater opportunity to pursue individual interests and needs. There will also be opportunity for some personal development work for those who wish.

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